




  2021年英国私立高中学校A-Level排名TOP3的分别是Oxford International College、St Paul's Girls' School、Cardiff Sixth Form College。但是也有一些学术成绩优异的英国顶级私校,比如说西敏公学和伊顿公学尚没有公布其2021年学术成绩,因此并没有入榜这个TOP100的排名。




  Oxford International College牛津国际学院

  ◆ 55% 的学生A-Level成绩获得了全 A*;
  ◆ 3 名学生获得了6个A*(包括EPQ);
  ◆ 14名学生获得包括EPQ在内的5个A*;
  ◆ 22名学生获得了4个A*(包括EPQ);

  St Paul's Girls' School圣保罗女子学校

  ● 2021年A-Level成绩A*-A比例:97.9%
  ● 2021年该校的GCSE/A-Level成绩优秀比例几乎接近100%!
  牛剑录取人数:2021年圣保罗女校共获得了23枚牛津offer,21枚剑桥offer。还有15枚UCL 录取,10枚帝国理工学院offer,19枚美国和加拿大大学的offer。

  Cardiff Sixth Form College卡迪夫六年级学院

  A-Level成绩:2021 年,该校97.8%的学生A-level课程获得 A*-A 成绩,100%的学生获得 A*-B 成绩。2021年GCSE成绩9-7比例高达90.30%。
  ◆ 7 名学生前往牛津剑桥;
  ◆ 42% 的学生进入 G5 大学;
  ◆ 88%的学 进入QS 前100名大学;
  ◆ 31%的学生学习医学;
  ◆ 25% 的学生学习经济学、商业、金融和管理;
  ◆ 21% 的学生学习工程和建筑;

  Winchester College温彻斯特学院


  St Paul's School圣保罗学校

  ◆ 2021年A-level(Pre-U)成绩A*-A比例:95%
  ◆ 2021年St Paul's School的A-level成绩A*比例高达77%。

  Brighton College布莱顿学院

  大学录取人数:2021 年,Brighton College学生收到了世界上最好大学的录取通知书,其中包括696枚罗素大学集团高校offer,601枚全球TOP100高校offer,354枚STEM专业offer。
  牛剑录取人数:Brighton College每年约有20%的学生被牛津或剑桥录取,85%的学生就读于罗素集团大学成员高校。

  Manchester High School for Girls曼彻斯特女子高中

  A-Level成绩: 2021年该校A-Level成绩A*-B比例:99.3%

  Concord College康科德学院


  Haberdashers' Boys' School - Elstree哈伯达瑟斯男校 - 埃尔斯特里


  Wycombe Abbey School威科姆修道院学校

  A-Level成绩:2021年该校63%学生的A-level成绩为 A*,99%的学生成绩为 A*-B。





A + A* % 学校名称 学校性质
走读费用£ 寄宿费用 £
1 98 Oxford International College牛津国际学院 Both Co-ed男女同校 25,167 50,589
2 97.9 St Paul's Girls' School圣保罗女子学校 Day Girls女孩 28,389  
3 97.8 Cardiff Sixth Form College卡迪夫六年级学院 Both Co-ed男女同校 19,600 46,900
4 95.8 Winchester College温彻斯特学院 Boarding Boys男孩   43,335
5 95.3 St Paul's School圣保罗学校 Both Boys男孩 26,556 39,966
6 95 Brighton College布莱顿学院 Both Co-ed男女同校 26,310 52,050
7 94.2 Manchester High School for Girls曼彻斯特女子高中 Day Girls女孩 12,600  
8 94 Concord College康科德学院 Both Co-ed男女同校 15,600 47,500
9 93.9 Haberdashers' Boys' School - Elstree哈伯达瑟斯男校 - 埃尔斯特里 Day Boys男孩 21,477  
= 93.9 Wycombe Abbey School威科姆修道院学校 Boarding Girls女孩 30,945 41,250
11 93 James Allen's Girls' School詹姆斯·艾伦女子学校 Day Girls女孩 19,845  
= 93 The National Mathematics and Science College国家数学与科学学院 Both Co-ed男女同校 18,600 45,900
13 92.9 Haberdashers' Girls' School - Elstree哈伯达瑟女子学校 - 埃尔斯特里 Day Girls女孩 20,070  
14 92.1 Hampton School汉普顿学校 Day Boys男孩 21,900  
15 92 Eltham College埃尔特姆学院 Day Boys (Co-ed 6th form)男孩(男女同校第6种形式) 19,671  
= 92 Putney High School普特尼高中 Day Girls女孩 19,827  
= 92 Alleyn's School, Dulwich阿莱恩学校, 德威 Day Co-ed男女同校 21,375  
= 92 Lady Eleanor Holles School埃莉诺·霍勒斯夫人学校 Day Girls女孩 21,738  
19 91 Channing School昌宁学校 Day Girls女孩 21,720  
= 91 Highgate School海格特学校 Day Co-ed男女同校 21,920  
21 90.3 Woldingham School沃尔丁汉姆学校 Both Girls女孩 25,500 42,210
= 90.3 Godolphin & Latymer SchoolGodolphin & Latymer School Day Girls女孩 23,531  
23 90.2 Withington Girls School威辛顿女子学校 Day Girls女孩 14,130  
24 89 Reigate Grammar School赖盖特文法学校 Day Co-ed男女同校 20,625  
25 88.6 St Swithun's School圣斯威森学校 Both Girls女孩 21,918 36,339
26 88.1 Bancroft's School班克罗夫特学校 Day Co-ed男女同校 19,761  
27 88 St Mary's School - Ascot圣玛丽学校 - 阿斯科特 Both Girls女孩 30,465 42,780
= 88 St John's College - Cardiff圣约翰学院 - 加的夫 Day Co-ed男女同校 14,280  
29 87.7 University College School大学学院 Day Boys (Co-ed 6th form)男孩(男女同校第6种形式) 21,891  
30 87.1 St Albans High School for Girls圣奥尔本斯女子高中 Day Girls女孩 19,995  
31 87 Immanuel College以马内利学院 Day Co-ed男女同校 19,845  
= 87 Tonbridge School汤布里奇学校 Both Boys男孩 33,636 44,835
= 87 Northwood College for Girls诺斯伍德女子学院 Day Girls女孩 18,630  
34 86.5 Merchant Taylors' School商人泰勒学校 Day Boys男孩 22,280  
35 86.4 Trinity School - Croydon三一学校 - 克罗伊登 Day Boys (Co-ed 6th form)男孩(男女同校第6种形式) 19,100  
36 86 Brighton Girls布莱顿女孩 Day Girls女孩 15,429  
= 86 Loughborough High School拉夫堡高中 Day Girls女孩 14,205  
38 85.1 Uppingham School阿平汉姆学校 Both Co-ed男女同校 24,450 39,492
39 85 St Catherine's School, Bramley布拉姆利圣凯瑟琳学校 Both Girls女孩 19,775 32,865
= 85 St Augustine's Priory圣奥古斯丁修道院 Day Girls女孩 16,974  
= 85 St James Senior Girls' SchoolSt James Senior Girls' School Day Girls女孩 21,480  
= 85 Francis Holland School - Regent's ParkFrancis Holland School - Regent's Park Day Girls女孩 21,450  
= 85 Downe House SchoolDowne House School Both Girls女孩 31,305 42,090
44 84.9 Radley CollegeRadley College Boarding Boys男孩   41,700
45 84.3 Derby High SchoolDerby High School Day Co-ed男女同校 13,890  
= 84.3 Cheltenham Ladies' CollegeCheltenham Ladies' College Both Girls女孩 30,390 44,790
47 84 Kingston Grammar SchoolKingston Grammar School Day Co-ed男女同校 21,135  
= 84 King Edward VI High School for GirlsKing Edward VI High School for Girls Day Girls女孩    
= 84 St Albans SchoolSt Albans School Day Boys (Co-ed 6th form)男孩 (男女混校6th form)    
= 84 Notting Hill and Ealing High SchoolNotting Hill and Ealing High School Day Girls女孩 19,590  
51 83.5 St Helen's - NorthwoodSt Helen's - Northwood Day Girls女孩 19,421  
52 83.3 Rugby SchoolRugby School Both Co-ed男女同校 24,126 38,454
53 83.2 Croydon High School GDSTCroydon High School GDST Day Girls女孩 17,631  
54 83 King's High WarwickKing's High Warwick Day Girls女孩 14,337  
= 83 Portsmouth High SchoolPortsmouth High School Day Girls女孩 14,400  
= 83 Caterham SchoolCaterham School Both Co-ed男女同校 20,625 41,130
= 83 Benenden SchoolBenenden School Boarding Girls女孩   40,848
58 82 Bristol Grammar SchoolBristol Grammar School Day Co-ed男女同校 15,477  
= 82 Whitgift SchoolWhitgift School Both Boys男孩 21,240 41,550
= 82 City of London School for GirlsCity of London School for Girls Day Girls女孩 20,664  
= 82 Ardingly CollegeArdingly College Both Co-ed男女同校 25,185 39,312
62 81.9 Latymer Upper SchoolLatymer Upper School Day Co-ed男女同校 21,459  
63 81.4 Old Palace of John Whitgift SchoolOld Palace of John Whitgift School Day Girls女孩 16,579  
64 81 City of London Freemen's School - SeniorCity of London Freemen's School - Senior Both Co-ed男女同校 21,525 36,993
= 81 St Mary's School - CambridgeSt Mary's School - Cambridge Both Girls女孩 17,373 36,007
= 81 Stephen Perse FoundationStephen Perse Foundation Day Co-ed (Diamond model 11 - 16)男女同校(钻石模型11 - 16) 17,850 39,370
67 80.2 Abingdon SchoolAbingdon School Both Boys男孩 21,600 44,070
= 80.2 King's School - ChesterKing's School - Chester Day Co-ed男女同校 14,019  
= 80.2 St Michael's School - LlanelliSt Michael's School - Llanelli Both Co-ed男女同校 13,416 32,400
70 80.1 Hurstpierpoint CollegeHurstpierpoint College Day Co-ed男女同校 25,110  
71 80 Bromley High School GDSTBromley High School GDST Day Girls女孩    
= 80 Kingham Hill School - Chipping NortonKingham Hill School - Chipping Norton Both Co-ed男女同校 21,090 35,550
= 80 Wellington CollegeWellington College Both Co-ed男女同校 31,140 42,630
= 80 Francis Holland School - Sloane SquareFrancis Holland School - Sloane Square Day Girls女孩 22,140  
= 80 Sutton High School GDSTSutton High School GDST Day Girls女孩    
= 80 Our Lady Of Sion SchoolOur Lady Of Sion School Day Co-ed男女同校 14,190  
= 80 St Dunstan's CollegeSt Dunstan's College Day Co-ed男女同校 19,068  
= 80 Warwick SchoolWarwick School Both Boys男孩 14,337 34,575
= 80 Greene's Tutorial CollegeGreene's Tutorial College Day Co-ed男女同校 22,450  
= 80 The Queens School - ChesterThe Queens School - Chester Day Girls女孩 14,415  
81 79.7 St Helen and St KatharineSt Helen and St Katharine Day Girls女孩 17,985  
82 79 Badminton SchoolBadminton School Both Girls女孩 17,430 40,500
= 79 Sheffield High School GDSTSheffield High School GDST Day Girls女孩 13,626  
= 79 Tormead SchoolTormead School Day Girls女孩    
= 79 Mayfield SchoolMayfield School Both Girls女孩 23,250 36,750
= 79 Bruton School For GirlsBruton School For Girls Both Girls女孩 18,696 34,524
87 78.8 Maynard School, DevonMaynard School, Devon Day Girls女孩 15,729  
88 78.7 Queen's College - LondonQueen's College - London Day Girls女孩 20,685  
89 78.6 Canford SchoolCanford School Both Co-ed男女同校 29,985 39,390
90 78.4 Nottingham High SchoolNottingham High School Day Co-ed男女同校 16,047  
91 78 St Francis' CollegeSt Francis' College Both Girls女孩 18,450 34,770
= 78 Queen Margaret's School - YorkQueen Margaret's School - York Both Girls女孩 19,500 33,690
= 78 Sydenham High School GDSTSydenham High School GDST Day Girls女孩    
= 78 Howell's School Llandaff GDSTHowell's School Llandaff GDST Day Girls女孩 14,529  
95 77.9 Streatham & Clapham School GDSTStreatham & Clapham School GDST Day Girls女孩    
96 77.8 Bolton School (Girls' Division)博尔顿学校(女子部) Day Girls女孩 12,711  
97 77.5 St George's School - Ascot圣乔治学校 - 阿斯科特 Both Girls女孩 24,195 37,980
98 77.2 Rye St Antony School拉伊圣安东尼学校 Both Girls (Co-ed 3 - 11)女孩 (男女同校 3 - 11) 17,055 29,415
99 77 Nottingham Girls' High School诺丁汉女子高中 Day Girls女孩 14,298  
= 77 Leicester High School for Girls莱斯特女子高中 Day Girls女孩 13,020  



2025英国私立学校排名 2025英国IB学校排名  
英国九大公学排名 牛剑录取率排名 牛剑5年录取人数排名
英国私立高中排名 英国私立女校排名 英国私立男校排名
英国IB学校排名 英国私立中学排名2020 中国IB学校排名


A-level课程辅导 AP课程辅导
IB课程辅导 IGCSE课程辅导












