
Rank 1 - 10 (Best Independent Secondary Schools in LONDON)
伦敦最佳私立学校排名 1 - 10
1 1 St Paul's Girls' School圣保罗女子学校 London
2 2 King's College School, Wimbledon温布尔登国王学院学校 Wimbledon
3 6 St Paul's School圣保罗学校 London
4 7 Westminster School威斯敏斯特学校 Westminster
5 8= City of London School for Girls London伦敦市女子学校
6 12 The Godolphin and Latymer School戈多芬和拉蒂默学校 London
7 14 North London Collegiate School北伦敦学院学校 Edgware
8 18 Lady Eleanor Holles埃莉诺·霍尔斯夫人学校 London
9 22 Hampton School汉普顿学校 Hampton
10 25 Wimbledon High School GDST温布尔登高中 Wimbledon
圣保罗女校在英国私立学校排名中继续名列前茅。自 2011 年以来,几乎每年圣保罗女校都位列第一位。King’s College School, Wimbledon获得了泰晤士报2022年度私立中学奖。
今年以来,伦敦的很多顶尖私校如St.Paul’s School等都完全不输九大公学。除了优异的成绩和更加现代化的管理之外,很多私校相对于公学对国际生更包容,招生上面招了更多国际学生,也许对于去私校学生来说从国内到英国读高中的衔接也压力小一些。
Rank 11 - 20 (Best Independent Secondary Schools in LONDON)
伦敦最佳私立学校排名11 - 20
11 26 Putney High School GDST Putney
12 27 James Allen's Girls' School London
13 28 Latymer Upper School London
14 30 South Hampstead High School GDST Hampstead
15 31 Alleyn's School Dulwich
16 32 University College School, Hampstead Hampstead
17 36= City of London School London
18 39 Highgate School Highgate
19 40 Merchant Taylors' School Northwood
20 41 Eltham College Mottingham
Rank 21 - 30 (Best Independent Secondary Schools in LONDON)
伦敦最佳私立学校排名21 - 30
21 43 Trinity School, Croydon Croydon
22 45= Notting Hill and Ealing High School GDST Ealing
23 47 Bancroft's School Woodford Green
24 48 Channing School London
25 51 Dulwich College Dulwich
26 54 Whitgift School Croydon
27 56= Kingston Grammar School Kingston upon Thames
28 66 Surbiton High School Kingston upon Thames
29 73 Old Palace of John Whitgift School Croydon
30 83 Ibstock Place School Roehampton
Rank 31 - 40 (Best Independent Secondary Schools in LONDON)
伦敦最佳私立学校排名31 - 40
31 85 St Helen's School Northwood
32 88 Francis Holland School, Sloane Square Westminster
33 91 Queen's College, London London
34 96 Queen's Gate School London
35 101= Francis Holland School, Regent's Park London
36 111= St James Senior Girls' School London
37 122 Emanuel School London
38 123= Brampton College Hendon
39 129 Sutton High School GDST Sutton
40 132 Bromley High School GDST Bromley
Rank 41 - 50 (Best Independent Secondary Schools in LONDON)
伦敦最佳私立学校排名41 - 50
41 134 Colfe's School Lee
42 153= Northwood College for Girls GDST Northwood
43 155 Streatham and Clapham High School GDST Streatham
44 160 Forest School London
45 163 Sydenham High School GDST Sydenham
46 170 St Dunstan's College Catford
47 172= St Catherine's School, Twickenham Twickenham
48 184 St Benedict's School Ealing
49 186 St Augustine's Priory Ealing
50 187 Croydon High School GDST South Croydon