莫德林学院中学位于牛津市南部,秉承 ’‘教育是社会的推进力’‘ 的信念宗旨。二次荣获“年度星期日泰晤士报私立学校”的称号,曾列居《英国邮电报》A-Level 英国高考排名前列。莫德林学院中学原校长Tim Hands 这样形容这所学校:“我们足够小使得能够发展每一个孩子的个性与天赋,我们也足够大能给学生提供最广泛的科目和活动。” 该校一般只招收7-18岁的男生,在高中阶段(A-Level)的课程上学校招收16-18岁女生。
莫德林学院中学位于牛津市南部,秉承 ’‘教育是社会的推进力’‘ 的信念宗旨。二次荣获“年度星期日泰晤士报私立学校”的称号,曾列居《英国邮电报》A-Level 英国高考排名前列。莫德林学院中学原校长Tim Hands 这样形容这所学校:“我们足够小使得能够发展每一个孩子的个性与天赋,我们也足够大能给学生提供最广泛的科目和活动。” 该校一般只招收7-18岁的男生,在高中阶段(A-Level)的课程上学校招收16-18岁女生。
年份 | ||
2020 | 牛剑申请人数: 129 | 牛剑录取人数: 47 | 牛剑录取录取率: 36.40 | |
Magdalen College School is one of the most over-subscribed schools in the UK. This might have something to do with the near-perfect results that the school has grown used to achieving; Around a third of MCS students go on to Oxbridge the school is consistently ranked right at the top in terms of exam results.
Yet the school is not just all about grades. There are a lot of extracurricular activities to get involved with at Magdalen College. Some are taken very seriously – such as the Model United Nations, Debating Society and Chess Club, others, like the Cheese and Bell Ringing Club are much more light-hearted. The buildings and grounds would be impressive on their own, but MCS enjoys such a strong relationship with Oxford University which allows the school access to many of the facilities from the surrounding university colleges.
That the school, which recently introduced allowed girls to join it now coeducational sixth-form, is at the very top of its game is perhaps unsurprising given that their Master, Tim Hands, is the newly appointed Chairman of the Headmasters’ and Headmistresses’ Conference.
英国九大公学排名 | 牛剑录取率排名 | 牛剑5年录取人数排名 |
英国私立高中排名 | 英国私立女校排名 | 英国私立男校排名 |
英国IB学校排名 | 英国私立中学排名2020 | 中国IB学校排名 |
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